Cupping is a form of therapy that has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures.  Cupping can be a great addition to your regular massage therapy session. It can be used to help reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and improve blood flow, which can certainly make your muscles and tissues happier.  The treatment technique can also address scar tissue resulting from injury, as well as help loosen up muscles that are bound down or restricted.



Cupping involves the use of special cups to create local suction on the skin, which pulls tissues and muscles upward.  There are various types of cups that can be used and there are variations of how the treatment can be performed. At Northwest Massage Therapy, we use silicone cups and perform both fixed and moving cupping techniques.  With fixed cupping, the cups are placed on the area of your body to be treated and are left is place for a short amount of time. Moving cupping involves sliding the cups over the region of the body being treated, which creates a deep tissue massage effect.

Cupping is not a treatment that is appropriate for everyone, so talk to us to see if it is right for you.  If it is, cupping can be a great option in your healing process. After all, it has been around since ancient times!