Facts and Statistics

No Man’s Land

By September 30, 2022No Comments

You always hear about low back pain and neck pain, but what about that “no man’s land” between the cervical (neck) and lumbar (low back) spine? Although not as common, pain in the thoracic (upper and mid back) spine can be just as debilitating. It’s all one spine, but the vertebrae gradually change shape as they go from the top to the bottom. The thoracic vertebrae are especially unique because they attach to our ribs. Sprains and strains can happen in this area, and poor postural habits and body mechanics errors can contribute to thoracic pain. Sometimes people with neck or low back pain can start to develop upper and mid back pain. Because some of your body’s organs can refer pain to the thoracic area, it’s always a good idea to get checked out by your physician first.